Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Break In Mexico =)

Yeaaaa Baby!!!! Thats Right going to be in San Fillipe Mexico from Thursday till Sunday. Going to be nothing but amzingly epic fun times. The only downside is that i wont have any access to the outside world because I wont be able to use my cell or my laptop. OH EM GEE, What the hell am I going to do? At least I will have my I know thats shallow, but I work from home on my computer, so it really is my life. But I know I will be spending most of the days soaking up the sun exploring what the baja coast has to offer me, and taking millions of pictures. Thank god I have two cameras lol. Anyway, wish me luck and stay tuned next week for boatloads of new pictures. :)

To sum it all up, going to be spending so much time with some of my favorite people... Roger, and Matt Mo!!! Hopefilly a couple others as well.

Talk to everyone later, keep in contact as much as possible before thursday, and other than that Be Good, and have an amazing weekend!!!

~Love,Peace,and Chicken Grease! =)

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