Sunday, April 5, 2009

Join this Group, Help my movie!!!

Please Join the Group Faith Ties.

We are trying to get as many people as we can to join our group so that when the time comes to get funding for this film we can show that we have a following.

just click this link to navigate to the group:
(Original Message from Group Admins)
Greetings all,

We just have one more hurdle to move "FAITH TIES - THE MOVIE" forward -- and that is financing. Our goal is $1.5 million! We believe if we have over 100,000 Facebook fans, that will be a great asset.
Please tell all your Facebook friends to join our page!

(about Faith Ties)
All appears calm at the Bethel Church until their new pastor receives a vision for his ministry that he must pursue. Problems arise when the congregation, frozen by the fear of today’s economy, discovers that their young pastor has leveraged his family home, as well as his church’s building and property, as collateral on the purchase of an abandoned bread warehouse to expand the church’s outreach mission in “wrong-part of town.

Life goes from bad to worse when the pastor’s devoted wife, Maya, loses faith in God and her husband when the thought of becoming homeless appears more than just a possibility! Maya believes she is on the verge of losing everything until a chance meeting with Chris Nicols, a loud-mouth, homeless drunk who has already lost it all, guides her back to the path of Faith, Hope and Charity.


BTW! Demond Wilson, The star of Sanford and Son is coming out of retirement to star in this film!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE HELP!!! we need as many friends in this group as possible to help gain funding for this movie. If you use any other social networking sites send out a link to this group and ask your friends on there to help.

Alexander Page
Tainted Productions/Promotions
AP2 Photography

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