Friday, August 28, 2009


So now that enough people have passed on this year its finally time for me to sit down and let out how I feel. You may not care enough to take the time to read this, and that is fine; because when you think about it this silly little collection of words flowing out of my fingertips really doesn't mean SHIT!
Ok, now that that is over with in out of the way we can move on. So tonight after having a pretty bad night to begin with I hop on twitter from my blackberry only to find that one of MY IDOLS and I am not even hyping this up at all, has died. What do I feel? To be honest I really don't fucking know...As of right now, I am just empty. I was fueled with anger when I got home because of some things that had happened earlier in the night. But as soon as i see all the tweets saying RIP DJ AM, my heart just dropped, and from that moment on, I have felt nothing.




It was unbelieveable, Didn't the man just survive a horrific airplane crash? or has that become boring to us, so we being the little empty gerbils we are already forget about it?

To be 100 percent truthfull the reason I took up an interest in becoming a DJ is by watching and listening to DJ AM. He did things that I have never heard anyone else do, with a style, grace, and finesse that you just don't commenly see. I wanted to be like him, NO! I wanted to be him. I wish i had only a fraction of the talent that man had in one of his hands.

What the hell is up with 2009? Must we loose everyone that has ever meant anything to the American public? Must we loose EVERYONE that brings us joy, and helps us forget about our miserable existance that is made up of just One Fucking Thing After Another; that miserable existance we like to call "Life"?

Well i've gone on too long for some of you, but the truth is I haven't said enough. I can not even begin to describe the gratitude we owe all of you who have passed this year, for all they joy you have brought all of us. Nobody can word that correctly, you just have to feel it and express it the best way you can.

So next time you find someone that brings you happiness from the entertainment they provide you, find a way to let them know. Before it is too late and We are all on twitter talking about how great you were now that your gone.

Hell it doesn't even have to be someone famous, It can just be someone close to you like a friend or a loved one...

As for me, At this point after all the shit, I really have come to grips with the fact that I AM LOOSING ALL FAITH IN HUMANITY... Our society is based upon BULLSHIT! and we feel as though we have to be cattle and follow the heard where they want us to go.....

"True Artists Create Something From Nothing"

-Mr Blaqk

Monday, May 11, 2009


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Watch the Faith ties Sizzle Piece here

Important Faith Ties Links

Facebook Page:


Faith Ties Press Release

“FAITH” IN THIS ECONOMY As the anti-stimulus mega-movie, ATLAS SHRUGGED grabs today’s headlines, it is Faith Ties, an indie film with a message of hope that plans to capture this year's audience—and box office, as well! This is what Executive Producer Dean Blagg (Local Color, Flip the Script) believes will happen when his newest project, Faith Ties, is released thisholiday season.

“Hollywood is a lot of things to a lot of people,” says Blagg. “But Hollywood has ignored a few large audiences—audiences who, when marketed directly, come out in force to show their support.” Blagg points to the success of independently-produced, faith-based films like Facing the Giants and Fireproof as well as the complete works of Tyler Perry as examples. Unlike its stimulus-package sized competitors, Faith Ties, with a budget of only $1.2 million, calls upon us to have "faith” as the economy struggles to recover.

“This film makes people look at how much they are relying on just themselves and how much they are applying faith,” says Blagg.

Blagg is not the only person to make this faith-filled assessment. After reading the screenplay, television legend Demond Wilson (Sanford & Son) agreed to come out of retirement to play one of the film's lead characters.

“This script was everything I thought it was going to be and more,” said Wilson, who gave up acting in 1993 to become a pastor and prison minister. “Faith Ties not only speaks to our time; it also presents the same elements of hope during times of adversity which Capra captured in It’s a Wonderful Life—elements that will make this film a timeless classic, as well,” Wilson added.

Blagg discovered the script after hearing about the support given to the Los Angeles-based performances of the original play, Faith Ties: A Christmas Story, written and produced by John “Rusty” Proctor and directed by James Dobkowski. Immediately, Blagg teamed up with Proctor and Dobkowski, who collaborated and adapted the play, to bring Faith Ties to the big screen.

Faith Ties focuses on the congregation of Bethel Church, a fictitious urban church community in Troy, Michigan. All appears calm until the new pastor receives a vision for a ministry that he feels compelled to pursue—the purchase of an abandoned bread warehouse to expand the church’s outreach mission in the “wrong part of town.”

Problems arise when the parishioners, whose hearts are hardened by the uncertainty of today’s economy, discover that their young pastor has leveraged his family's home, as well as the church’s building and property, as collateral on the loan. Life goes from bad to worse when the possibility of becoming homeless challenges the pastor’s wife’s faith in God and in her husband. She believes she is on the vergeof losing everything until a chance meeting with Chris Nicols (DemondWilson), a loudmouthed, homeless drunk who has already lost it all, guidesher back to the path of Faith and Hope.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Break In Mexico =)

Yeaaaa Baby!!!! Thats Right going to be in San Fillipe Mexico from Thursday till Sunday. Going to be nothing but amzingly epic fun times. The only downside is that i wont have any access to the outside world because I wont be able to use my cell or my laptop. OH EM GEE, What the hell am I going to do? At least I will have my I know thats shallow, but I work from home on my computer, so it really is my life. But I know I will be spending most of the days soaking up the sun exploring what the baja coast has to offer me, and taking millions of pictures. Thank god I have two cameras lol. Anyway, wish me luck and stay tuned next week for boatloads of new pictures. :)

To sum it all up, going to be spending so much time with some of my favorite people... Roger, and Matt Mo!!! Hopefilly a couple others as well.

Talk to everyone later, keep in contact as much as possible before thursday, and other than that Be Good, and have an amazing weekend!!!

~Love,Peace,and Chicken Grease! =)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Join this Group, Help my movie!!!

Please Join the Group Faith Ties.

We are trying to get as many people as we can to join our group so that when the time comes to get funding for this film we can show that we have a following.

just click this link to navigate to the group:
(Original Message from Group Admins)
Greetings all,

We just have one more hurdle to move "FAITH TIES - THE MOVIE" forward -- and that is financing. Our goal is $1.5 million! We believe if we have over 100,000 Facebook fans, that will be a great asset.
Please tell all your Facebook friends to join our page!

(about Faith Ties)
All appears calm at the Bethel Church until their new pastor receives a vision for his ministry that he must pursue. Problems arise when the congregation, frozen by the fear of today’s economy, discovers that their young pastor has leveraged his family home, as well as his church’s building and property, as collateral on the purchase of an abandoned bread warehouse to expand the church’s outreach mission in “wrong-part of town.

Life goes from bad to worse when the pastor’s devoted wife, Maya, loses faith in God and her husband when the thought of becoming homeless appears more than just a possibility! Maya believes she is on the verge of losing everything until a chance meeting with Chris Nicols, a loud-mouth, homeless drunk who has already lost it all, guides her back to the path of Faith, Hope and Charity.


BTW! Demond Wilson, The star of Sanford and Son is coming out of retirement to star in this film!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE HELP!!! we need as many friends in this group as possible to help gain funding for this movie. If you use any other social networking sites send out a link to this group and ask your friends on there to help.

Alexander Page
Tainted Productions/Promotions
AP2 Photography