Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Busy Weekend.

Just in case anyone has been wondering what has been going on lately here is a little taste...Now keep in mind that this is just the last weekend. Ok let's start out on friday, I went over to Tanny and Deb's to get ready to go take the tickets to Long Beach to play to So Cal Rock Show. Well, Tanny didn't go so Steve and I drove down to Long Beach to meet up with Nick from AHL. After waiting in the lobby of the hotel for what seemed to be forever, this sounds so negative when in reality it really wasn't. Because I spent most of the time talking to Ralph Buso the lead singer from Serpent Underground (check them out, they are pretty amazing)...Now comes the bad, Steve and I get a call to come back home because Debbie's dog Boo Boo got hit and killed by a car. RIP BOO BOO. So we come back with the thoughts that we might cancel for the So Cal Show on Saturday.
Then Comes Saturday, Rio,Tanny, and I get up early(I was actually up all night) to drive out to Long Beach for what would be my second trip in two day, to complete the task Steve and I did not accomplish the night before. I must say that even with all the traffic it was a blast of a trip, and everything went smooth.Thanks to Nick for being so cool.
By the time we got back to Tanny's house we had just enough time to head off to the rehersal space so Comstok could get in one last warm up before the show. They Killed it, completely awesome rehersal guys. And Kudos to everyone else there for being so into the whole thing, and singing along with the band.
Fast foreward to Saturday night. We get to Long Beach Just fine, however after unloading the truck with all of Tanny's gear we found we had just enough time to get the gear loaded upstairs next to the stage. Sounds easy right? NOT! the elevator broke right before we arrived and we had to load all of the band's gear up 3 flights of stairs. Skip all that crap, The band goes on...and we have a short on the stage and The sound and lights die. FUCK!!!!! Then Nick comes running over yelling at his guys to make sure that no matter what it takes the band gets back to playing, even though all of his guys said he was just telling them to get off. The band gets up and going again, and then finally the sound guy seemed to wake up. lol
Skip to Monday night, we got to the Whiskey A GoGo in one piece, and get all the shit inside. The band went on, and Completely Fucking Rocked the house!!! I have never ever enjoyed a show so much. After the show we got everything out of the joint without loosing anything, amazingly. Skip to the next step, and Tanny,Deb,Rio and I hit my new favorite place on the sunset strip...Frankie and Johny's The most amazing pizza EVER!!!!Check it out sometime, its just up the street from the whiskey.

Anyway, I just spent forever writing this, but oh well. I'm just getting back into "normal" life, and getting back into the normal routine, getting more gigs going...

So ya, when you have a chance check out.

"Don't Stop Moving Until The Music Is Dead!"

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