Friday, August 28, 2009


So now that enough people have passed on this year its finally time for me to sit down and let out how I feel. You may not care enough to take the time to read this, and that is fine; because when you think about it this silly little collection of words flowing out of my fingertips really doesn't mean SHIT!
Ok, now that that is over with in out of the way we can move on. So tonight after having a pretty bad night to begin with I hop on twitter from my blackberry only to find that one of MY IDOLS and I am not even hyping this up at all, has died. What do I feel? To be honest I really don't fucking know...As of right now, I am just empty. I was fueled with anger when I got home because of some things that had happened earlier in the night. But as soon as i see all the tweets saying RIP DJ AM, my heart just dropped, and from that moment on, I have felt nothing.




It was unbelieveable, Didn't the man just survive a horrific airplane crash? or has that become boring to us, so we being the little empty gerbils we are already forget about it?

To be 100 percent truthfull the reason I took up an interest in becoming a DJ is by watching and listening to DJ AM. He did things that I have never heard anyone else do, with a style, grace, and finesse that you just don't commenly see. I wanted to be like him, NO! I wanted to be him. I wish i had only a fraction of the talent that man had in one of his hands.

What the hell is up with 2009? Must we loose everyone that has ever meant anything to the American public? Must we loose EVERYONE that brings us joy, and helps us forget about our miserable existance that is made up of just One Fucking Thing After Another; that miserable existance we like to call "Life"?

Well i've gone on too long for some of you, but the truth is I haven't said enough. I can not even begin to describe the gratitude we owe all of you who have passed this year, for all they joy you have brought all of us. Nobody can word that correctly, you just have to feel it and express it the best way you can.

So next time you find someone that brings you happiness from the entertainment they provide you, find a way to let them know. Before it is too late and We are all on twitter talking about how great you were now that your gone.

Hell it doesn't even have to be someone famous, It can just be someone close to you like a friend or a loved one...

As for me, At this point after all the shit, I really have come to grips with the fact that I AM LOOSING ALL FAITH IN HUMANITY... Our society is based upon BULLSHIT! and we feel as though we have to be cattle and follow the heard where they want us to go.....

"True Artists Create Something From Nothing"

-Mr Blaqk